Wednesday, February 23, 2011
DAY 11: Yah scabby!!!!!!
i have waited so long to start scabbing! as you can tell i've been picking at them. i picked off a lot of dry skin and some of the scabs came off with it. it looks painful, but it doesn't hurt at all whatsoever. i shouldn't pick at my scabs, but it's so tempting. a lot of skin and scabs come off especially after the shower. yahhhh! i don't really care at this point if i have scarring. it's on my side and no one can see it unless i go to the beach. oh i miss the beach! we had really good weather this week. anyways, pain/tingling/itchiness has subsided significantly. still taking my antivirals on the dot. my back doesn't bother me, nor did my belly button so much today. i did feel a few sharp pains at the momma cluster and the skin around it are kind of itchy. as you can see, i still have marks left from the tape a few days ago. theres a few darker, red spots in that band of redness...i hope no more shingles! i read that some people break out in shingles due to sunburns, or trauma to the skin...oouch! i can't imagine dealing with a sunburn at the same time. well here are my crusty, dried scabs, enjoy!
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